I left the practice of law four years ago for comedy. I was not burned out. I did not hate my job and I certainly did not hate the law. I love it and I still have faith in the legal system.
When I have an opportunity to educate people on the law, I take it, especially if its in my wheelhouse. I try not to be political as a comedian, although at times, what I say is deemed political and my dislike for certain politicians is hard to ignore if you follow me long enough. I don't like the extremes of either parties and, like most Americans, deem myself a moderate and somewhat independent. I was once a Republican and also a Democrat. I was a political wonk too years ago, working and volunteering on various campaigns at the Federal level, with my last "tour" being for Obama's Presidential campaign in 2008. Initially when I started comedy, I did not want to do any political jokes. I thought, and still think, that people come to comedy shows to get away from the news so why bring it up again. Now, I like to pepper it in, since its what I know and what interests me, especially as it pertains the legal issues. Some people who follow me, don't know that I used to be a lawyer who actually handles Constitutional issues and tried cases involving political figures and cities so they chime in with their own often horrible takes on the law. I also studied and majored in Politics in Middle East in college, with my thesis being on the Arab-Israeli conflict. I know things. While I am now an entertainer, I will always be a student of the law and will take every opportunity to educate people and correct falsehoods that are spread in the news and, sometimes with people wrongly accused of bad behavior. I encourage people to do their own research and use logic and reasoning to find answers to issues in the news, especially when its about the legal system. Nonetheless, people get offended on my socials when I call out falsehoods but I will continue to do it. While I love comedy, I also love the law and our legal system. #formerlawyer #comedian #legal #bettercallpaul
As stand up comedians, like other art forms now, much of our "worth" to our respective industries is tied to social media. How many followers do you have on (insert platform)? What is your engagement? It ties into what the industry believes your marketability will be for ticket sales (live shows) or projects where you can be a part of. On one level it makes sense, since its a way for gatekeepers to determine if you can help them. On the other hand, it is frustrating since art is sometimes lost in the mad dash to create and put our content that will be consumed.
I have been struggling with what I want to put up and in the end, I have decided that if I enjoy making it (or at least don't mind making it), it is worthy of being blasted out in the world. Sadly, for comedy right now, stand up clips seem to be taking a back step to other forms of comedy content. There is just too much stand up on social media right now. I have some projects in the works that are consistent with my comedy and I hope you can follow me on the other social media I am pushing out there. Even a "follow" helps demonstrate my worth. Also if you like my stuff, or any other people who do comedy or make music, whatever, the best thing you can do it share it with others. It doesn't cost you anything and its very easy. You may be surprised how much a simple "share" of a clip is worth to the all mighty algorithm. #standup #comedy #socialmedia Last night (and this morning) I watched all four episodes of the new documentary "No Dress Rehearsal" about the band Tragically Hip, a band I was a fan of but never really a devout fan. As I watched, I remembered more and more of the songs I knew and connected all over. This was easily the best music documentary I have seen, if not one of the best of all documentaries all around. What a journey and what an amazing band with integrity and talent. I forgot how many amazing songs they had and I was so glad I was able to see them live.
It also reminded me of my time when I was a musician and then a manager for bands, before I did comedy. So much energy is placed into the pursuit of music and the relationship you have with bandmates is so hard to explain and understand for those who never had it. I always used to say being in a band was like being in a marriage but with no (less) sex. And then, when I was no longer in bands and managing bands, it was like babysitting and being a therapist for that relationship. With comedy and all creative endeavors, there is also a lot of sacrifice. I missed, and now with comedy, Icontinue to miss so many outings, marriages, parties, birthdays. And sometimes there is regret and remorse. And Self-doubt. Did you make the right decision? With a band, you have some sense of companionship and community; as a stand up comedian, there is some of that but mostly, you are ultimately alone. Especially if you do not have a team. It reminded me of the opportunities I sought and created for my artists as a band manager and how I am missing those opportunities right now without a manager or representation. I need represenatation. My goal for 2024 was to get a manager and its looking like I won't have one again. Here's to finding one in 2025. #standupcomedy #documentary #formerlawyer #formermusician No. Just kidding. It is funny thought when people ask comedians (and musicians) when you are coming to their city and when you do, they don't show up for your show. It's ok if you never messaged us to come to your city but if you did, you should be there. I remember a comedian friend of mine being upset about this when she came through Chicago because people kept telling her she needs to come back, after she sold out her shows the year before. When she did, she decided she should get a bigger room to do the shows, since the sold out and so many people were telling her she needs to come back. Well, they didn't come to the show. Despite emails, social media updates, and even direct emails. The show did not sell out and well, that comedian has now quick comedy.
I didn't understand her frustration until recently when I had a handful of people tell me they wanted me to come to their city and not only did they not show up, but the messaged me after the show to say "Oh why didn't you tell me you were in town." I posted about it on all my socials, its on my calendar and even my monthly emails, if you subscribe. Anyways, hope you can make a show and if you have not already, please follow me on Instagram so you can see when I am in your town. I am going to have a Email sign up on there shortly as well. And bring 20 of your closest friends or enemies. LOL #standup #tour #careerchange #promotions I recently received a message from an "anonymous source" who said a comedian I worked with was problematic with women and that I should not work with the person. When I asked for details, they really did not have any. I asked the person if he had first hand knowledge of the problems, whatever they were and he said he did not. I asked around as well to see if anyone knew anything about this comedian and everyone had vague understandings ranging from extreme non-consensual contact to issues while in a consensual relationship.
As a trained lawyer, I am a big proponent of due process and having any accused given the opportunity to response to any allegations made. In some cases, that is difficult to do. This is especially true for victims in cases of rape, where women were villainized in the court systems and often blamed for unwanted contact. On the other hand, a lot of times in any community, there is a tendency to "pile on" on a person when he or she is being accused of wrong doing. As a lawyer, I have seen this play out countless times. Last year, I had a similar situation where a comedian tried to cancel me because of my ties to a "cancelled" comedian. I do think that it is great we have evolved as a society to collectively hold individuals who engage in bad behaviors accountable for their actions, especially after the "me too" movement. At the same time, we have to be careful not to rush to judgement and engage in critical thinking on our own and ask questions when someone tells us not to associate with someone else. And if someone did something wrong 20 years ago and is remorseful and learned from their actions, maybe they have done their time. I don't know the answers. I feel like the justice system is a good place to start. I believe in this particular situation, based on my own legal research, the anonymous tipper did not have his information correct and was simply trying to "pile on" a comedian who had experienced some success that perhaps he did not. #standup #comedy #cancelculture #bettercallpaul |
AuthorPaul Farahvar is a comedian hailing from Chicago, Ill. Archives
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